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For many of us, childhood experiences  manifest into adulthood where we experience disrupted and unhelpful thoughts and repeated sabotaging behaviors causing undue stress and limits our potential.


Peer counseling puts me in a unique position to develop a relationship of trust, which is especially helpful in working with people in trauma recovery.


Sharing through lived experiences can provide a deeper understanding, along with a breathe of personalized approaches to assist in designing and supporting your new life desires.


My goal is to help you find healthy ways to feel better and reach your potential.


  • To move from hopelessness to hope.


  • To find your essence, to find your voice.


  • To erase those self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that don’t serve your well-being.


  • I will meet you where you are and work to find effective ways to address your concerns.


  • I also believe that you should experience real value, enjoyment, relief, curiosity, acceptance,  in the moment, even if things are painful or get worse before getting better.


  • Let your story emerge.


  • Gain greater vision and  greater focus.

Emotional Wellness Support

***Bonus when working with peers***

We provide an education on all things mental health as a protective force to better equip you and your family to make solid decisions in the best interest of your future well being. 

What I treat ~ The good, the bad and the ugly:

Bad moods, too many moods, low moods

Life Stressors

Co-Parenting, family court and custody battles


Addictions and other unwanted bad habits

Tapering off psychiatric meds

Psychosis and other unsettling thoughts, behaviors and experiences

Motivation to get unstuck and heal

View yourself outside of the DSM labels


The fact is all can become lost
and confused in this world,
some just drift farther.
But if we have another to journey with,
it lessens the struggle,
and maybe together we will find our way.
                                        D. Edmunds
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